Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Oh lord!

That's right. Oh lord! Because? Well I'm using my iPhone to write this
and from writing txt messages and e-mails on this awesome awesome
phone I know what may come up and that is wrong robots! See there you
go again you yanky fecker. It put words where you don't want them and
if you've not worked it out yet then robots should be words.

But this will not happen today! No! Well it might lol I'll do my best
to keep an eye on the pesky little feck.

It's been a while since I was last on blogger and that in part is
because I moved into the flat from my last blog and we still have no
Internet yet as BT could be any more slow because they would be going

We moved in a few weeks ago and with my girlfriend Laura being a
teacher she had the great fortune to set the place up with being on
summer holidays. We have had one or two nights in on our own and the
rest has been full of friends or family dropping by to see our 1st
home together. In the wee hours of this morning while I was sleeping
Laura booked us on a week long all I incluesive holiday to Turky and
we leave in a day and half it was nice to wake upto I've got to say
buy as soon as we booked the British weather has now perked up and is
sunny through our French doors, why there called French doors I don't
know. Maybe they give up when it get to much or because a Renaul Clio
could fit through them?

Anyways I hope to have the Internet by the time I get back from the
middle west all tanned and no doubt I'll post a pic of us in a mud
bath or buying fake sun glasses.

Song of the week, well song of the last 3 months for me is 'Where did
all the love go' by Kasabian

Blog soon


Sent from my iPhone